
The 20 Funniest Garage Sale Signs Ever (gallery)

Oh my goodness, have you seen these hilarious garage sale signs? They had me laughing so hard, I just had to share them with you!

Sign #1

Funny Garage Sale Sign

This sign is just too funny! I love how they're encouraging people to come to the garage sale, but also making it clear that they won't be happy if someone shows up too early. I can just imagine the homeowner peering out the window, waiting for the clock to strike 8am so they can unleash their garage sale treasures on the world.

Sign #2

Hurry, There's a Yard Sale!

Oh my goodness, this sign is too clever! I can just imagine people driving down the road, seeing the sign, and thinking, "Oh my goodness, I better hurry to that yard sale before it's too late!" But then they get there and realize that the "hurry" is part of the joke. This is the kind of sign that would make me smile every time I drove by!

I hope these garage sale signs brightened your day as much as they did mine. Happy hunting for treasures at your next garage sale!

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