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As a traveler to Spain, you cannot miss out on the distinctive cuisine that the country is famous for. From the Mediterranean influences in the coastal regions to the heartier dishes in the mountainous regions, there is something for every palate. Here are 15 Spanish food items that you must try during your trip:

1. Paella

Plate of Paella

Paella is a classic rice dish from Valencia that is often made with chicken, rabbit, snails, and green beans or peas. Bright yellow in color, it's seasoned with saffron and paprika, and cooked over an open flame. It's a hearty, flavorful dish that is perfect for a large gathering.

2. Patatas Bravas

Bowl of Patatas Bravas

Patatas Bravas are fried potatoes topped with a spicy tomato sauce, usually served as a tapa. It's an easy dish that can be found at most bars and restaurants in Spain.

3. Churros con Chocolate

Churros with hot Chocolate sauce

This sweet treat is a favourite among locals. Churros are a fried dough pastry shaped into long sticks and are typically served as breakfast or a snack dipped in a cup of thick hot chocolate.

4. Gazpacho

Bowl of Gazpacho

If you're looking for a light, refreshing meal during those hot summer months, gazpacho is the perfect option. It is a cold, tomato-based soup that is typically served in a bowl or glass, and garnished with cucumbers, peppers, and croutons. Ideal to beat the heat

5. Tortilla Española

Served Tortilla española

Tortilla Española is a Spanish-style omelette made with potatoes and onions, and sometimes served with chorizo or other meats. It's an excellent dish for a mid-day meal, and can be eaten hot or at room temperature.

6. Croquetas

plate of croquettes

Croquetas are small, deep-fried rolls that are usually filled with ham, cheese, or chicken. They are an excellent appetizer at any Spanish restaurant or tapas bar.

7. Tostadas


Tostadas are grilled bread that is usually covered with a tomato and olive oil mixture, then topped with ham, cheese, or other toppings. You can usually find them served for breakfast or brunch.

8. Pintxos


Pintxos are a type of tapas from the Basque region, typically served skewered on a stick. They can include olives, anchovies, peppers, and sliced meats. Pintxos are burst of flavors that can be enjoyed with a glass of wine, or with a few varieties, an entire dinner.

9. Migas

Served migas

Migas is a hearty, traditional Spanish dish made from bread crumbs, garlic, and olive oil. It is usually prepared with chorizo and other meats like bacon or pancetta. A great breakfast or brunch dish, packed with flavors.

10. Pollo al Ajillo

Served Pollo al Ajillo

Pollo al Ajillo is a dish featuring chicken cooked in garlic, white wine, and olive oil. The garlic and wine come together to create a rich, savory sauce that is perfect for dipping bread.

11. Crema Catalana

Crema Catalan

Crema Catalana is a delectable dessert that is similar to crème brûlée. Made with milk, eggs, sugar, and vanilla, it's lightly caramelized on top, and then garnished with fresh fruit.

12. Fabada Asturiana

Fabada Asturiana

Fabada Asturiana is a hearty bean stew that is filled with pork products like chorizo, morcilla, and pancetta, and cooked with saffron and paprika. It's a classic and savory dish which is perfect for cold, winter nights.

13. Cochinillo Asado

Served Cochinillo Asado

Cochinillo Asado is a whole roast pig that is typically served at special events and family gatherings. The pig is slowly roasted over a low fire until the meat is tender and juicy. It's a grand, traditional dish that is always memorable and delicious.

14. Sobrasada

Served Sobrasada

Sobrasada is a spreadable, cured sausage that is a specialty of the Balearic Islands. It's made with paprika and pork, and goes perfectly with crusty bread and cheese.

15. Pimientos de Padrón

Pimientos de Padron

Pimientos de Padrón are small green peppers that are cooked in a hot skillet and then served with sea salt. They are known for their unpredictability, as some are mild while others are spicy. Either way, they're a perfect appetizer to share with friends and family.

In conclusion, Spain offers a unique and rich culinary experience, and these 15 must-try dishes will give you a taste of the country's diverse flavors. So, whether you're dining in a Michelin-starred restaurant or a charming local tavern, be sure to try these classic dishes during your visit. Buen provecho!
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