
Rosemead Dog Legged

Oh my goodness, have you heard of this place called Rose City Pizza?? I mean, look at these pictures! It's enough to make your mouth water.

Delicious Pizza Alert!

Pizza picture from Rose City Pizza

Can you even handle how good this looks? I want to dive right in and never come up for air. And would you look at that crust? It's like a work of art.

More Pizza Porn

Another pizza picture from Rose City Pizza

Ok, if you weren't convinced before, I'm pretty sure this picture just sealed the deal. Look at that cheese! Those toppings! I can practically taste it through the screen.

Excuse me while I go call in an order at this magical place. I'm pretty sure this is what dreams are made of.


Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any drool damage to keyboards or screens as a result of viewing this post.

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