
Food Monterey Park Delicious Corner Useful Yelp Ca

Yo, check out these dope pictures I found. They take me back to a time when life was simpler and shopping centers were the place to be. Come take a ride with me down memory lane and let's explore these images together.

West Covina PLAZA Shopping Center sign, 1964

West Covina PLAZA Shopping Center sign, 1964

Can you believe this sign? It's so retro and cool. The font is everything! Back in '64, this shopping center was lit. People came from all over to hang out and do some serious shopping. It was the spot! Nowadays, it looks a little different but it still holds a special place in the hearts of those who remember it.

Delicious Food Corner - 386 Photos & 107 Reviews - Chinese - 17170

Delicious food corner

Yo, have you ever been to Delicious Food Corner? If you haven't, you need to check it out. They got the best Chinese food around. Don't believe me? Check out the reviews. 386 photos and 107 reviews! That's how you know they're legit. Trust me, I've had their General Tso's chicken and it's fire! If you're ever in the area, be sure to stop by Delicious Food Corner. You won't be disappointed.

Thanks for coming on this journey with me. I hope you enjoyed these images as much as I did.

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